Bury Your Ordinary

Many Christians wonder, I read the Bible, pray, go to church—so why am I stuck spiritually? In Bury Your Ordinary, Pastor Justin Kendrick offers a clear map for spiritual growth to help readers discover:

  • The one change to your routine that will give you an entirely new way of living

  • How spiritual growth actually happens (you might be surprised)

  • How your habits can either free you or keep you bound

  • How to hear and understand God’s voice

  • Seven discipleship habits that lead to explosive spiritual growth

Small Group Guide

guide book and videos available.

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Series Intro Bumper

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Feel free to use this series intro bumper in your church, your group, or wherever you wish to introduce Bury Your Ordinary.

Bury Your Ordinary

90-Day Challenge

Experts say it takes 90 days to turn a new habit into a changed lifestyle. Even better if you do it in community!

So, here is your challenge: do the one thing each day from the challenge list for 90 days and see how God transforms your life and the life of your church!